Web Design/Development

Web Experience Design,
Toehold Travel & Photography

UX Design & Development of a comprehensive web portal experience, with integrations of CMS and other backend services for a travel-photography company, reimagining the entire information architecture, interaction patterns, workflow and visual experience.

What we did

UX Strategy
UX Design
Brand Design
Web Design
Web Development
Iconography & Illustrations
Website Hosting
About the Project

Project Overview

Toehold Travel & Photography, a renowned travel and photography company, approached Design Brained Studio to revamp their existing web presence. Our goal was to create a user-centric, responsive web portal that would cater to the needs of both the business and its customers.

Glimpse of features

Key Features

Content Management System
Robust Information Architecture
Data separated from Design
Search, Filter & Sorting
Quick Launch Menu (Mobile)
Modern & Relevant Design
Dynamic Forms
Blogs & Articles
The objective

Project Goals

Visual Design Enhancement

The original website featured an outdated design that was generic and needed a brand uplift. The website also needed a cohesive visual identity across all the verticals of business.

Organisation of Information

The original website's information organisation was an evolved output since the establishment of the company. It was in need of a fresh understanding, organisation and structure of information of its services and offerings.

UX Redesign

The original website's design, patterns, layouts, components and flow was from an older generation. The output, interactions, patterns, page templates, responses, etc. were not user friendly, and efficient as expected by today's users.

Technology Upgrade

The original website was built with technology that was not catering to the current needs of the business and its customers. The necessity of data-design separation was crucial to enable efficient and independemt management of data-content-design.

Understanding the business & customers

Research & Analysis

Requirement Gathering
Website Audit
Competitor Analysis
Surveys & Feedback
Information Architecture
User Flow/Journey
Stakeholder Interview
A/B Testing

Our project began with extensive discussions and research to understand Toehold's existing web solutions and identify the business and customer needs. This phase was crucial to ensure our design would align perfectly with their goals. We worked on a variety of aspects of research and analysis, to understand the existing world of Toehold.

We developed comprehensive Information Architecture, User Personas, and UserJourneys. This foundation allowed us to create detailed wireframes for a redesigned solution. We also conducted A/B Testing on some wireframes/mockups to guide our decisions toward the final product.

Defining the Visual Experience

The Design


Our wireframe creation for the Toehold project was deeply rooted in thorough research findings, A/B test results, and extensive discussions with stakeholders and customers. By incorporating diverse insights, we could rapidly iterate on our designs, refining both interaction patterns and information organization with each cycle. This collaborative and data-driven approach ensured that our final wireframes were not only user-centric and intuitive but also aligned with Toehold’s goals and user expectations. The result was a streamlined, effective design process that led to a well-structured and engaging website.


For the Toehold project, we carefully selected a color palette that reflects the essence of nature, wildlife, and conservation.

Together, these colors create a visually appealing and thematically consistent experience that resonates with Toehold’s mission and audience.


Clean, modern lines and excellent readability of the font made it perfect for presenting photography and educational content with clarity and elegance. The typography enhances the visual appeal without distracting from the stunning images and informative content.


A subtle rebranding was done to the logos of Toehold and its sister websites/offerings. Reflecting new colors & typography, the rebranded logos and styles elevated the brand visuals to align with the clean, minimalistic and modern design language.

Illustrations & Iconography

We created simple yet effective illustrations as icons for various Photo Tours. These icons represented the primary sightings of animals, monuments and locations in a concise way, while browsing through numerous tours.

Enhancing the user experience

Project Features

Responsive UX Design

The entire experience design was built with an approach that enabled the features to tailor themselves for desktops/laptops, tablets and mobiles.

Dynamic Content with Filters

The entire web experience was built in connection with a Content Management System, making the content dynamic. Searching, sorting and filtering were made integral parts of the experience.

Enquiry and Booking Forms

Connected to the back-end, numerous forms were built to send across data, store submitted data in the database. These forms are tied with dynamic fields such as the tours being enquired for and country code fields for phone numbers.

Validated thoroughly, these forms are built to send automated Emails and WhatsApp messages to the visitors and the company's customer representatives.

Dynamic & Interactive World Map

A CMS-integrated data-driven dynamic world map was built for filtering the destinations covered across for the tours Toehold offered.

Blog Section with Filters

Toehold's exceptional writing takes center stage in their new blog section, crafted to showcase their content in the best light. We’ve built a platform that enhances this outstanding writing with features like sorting, searching, and filtering, ensuring readers can effortlessly find what they need.

Data-driven Photo Tour Schedules

A dynamic section for Toehold's web portal that showcases their photo tours, complete with dates, schedules, and a color-coded status system. Whether a tour is open for booking, filling fast, or fully booked, this feature provides real-time updates powered by their CMS.

Ad Campaign Landing Pages

For every advertising campaigns the company runs, we build high-impact and high-conversion landing pages, connecting to payment gateways for seamless payments and forms integrated with back-end communication systems for easy conversion of users.

Automatic Blog Table of Contents

We've integrated an automatic Table of Contents feature that dynamically organizes each blog post based on its content. This not only makes navigation a breeze but also helps readers quickly access specific sections of interest.



Overall, the project not only achieved its goals but also provided a roadmap for future development, emphasizing the importance of adaptability, stakeholder engagement, and a user-focused approach in web design projects.

We needed a design partner who could understand not just our needs, but also those of our customers. That partner was Design Brained Studio. The team at Design Brained Studio really took the time to understand our requirements, our products and the intricate Toehold ecosystem which includes our store, rentals, academy and a lot more. They gathered information from a variety of sources, starting with in-depth interviews with our stakeholders team. They audited our old website, defined user personas and journey. They gathered valuable feedback from our customers as well. This thorough approach ensured that they had an understanding of what we actually needed. With a lot more work than this, they defined the result to perfection. The final result was a clean, modern and photography focused website, with efficient interaction patterns and dynamic content. This new design will undoubtedly help our customers to make the right decisions. We are thrilled with the outcome and are already engaging with Design Brained Studio, for our next big project.
Jayanth S
Founder & CEO